SepticSeptic Installation

We receive calls all the time for information on installing a new septic system on property that has not had one before.  Maybe you have bought property, or have decided to build a home on property that you have owned for awhile.  It can be hard to find out the steps you need to take to have a new septic system installed.

The first thing you need to do is contact your local Environmental and Conservation office.  If your land has had a recent perc test or soil test, they may be able to use that.  If your land has not had this done, then you will need to ask them to set that up for you.  A septic company cannot do this test.  It must be completed by the environmental office.

Once you have the perc test or soil test, you will need to mark your property where you want to place your home.  After you have this clearly marked, you will need to contact the environmental office again, ask for a construction permit, and an inspector will come to your property and draw a blueprint of where your septic system will need to be placed as well as where the drain field will need to be.  He will include everything we will need to be able to install your septic system so it will pass his final inspection.  It is important to note that the initial blueprint that the inspector gives you will expire in 3 years, so make sure that you will want to have the system installed within 3 years or you will have to renew your construction permit.  We will also need you to provide us with a copy of the inspectors blueprint.

We hope once you have these steps completed, that you will give us a call to install your septic system!